Friday, July 13, 2012


So, our new kitty needed a name. My first cat was named Aso, my current cat is named Bug. This is the beginning of a pattern of three-letter, alphabetical order names, but it takes three data points to cement a pattern. We tried all kinds of things. I thought of Cro (since he's black) and Cwn (Gaelic for dog), but those didn't fit. G suggested Cid or Cin, but those didn't fit.

I was musing around on Wednesday night. My mom's black cat used to be named Cosmo before she renamed him Buddy. I love the cosmos and astronomy and most all science, so I started thinking about scientist names. Newton? Well, he's certainly anti-social enough, but nah. Tesla? No, still doesn't fit, and has nothing to do with night skies. Hmm. Sagan. Yes! Sagan, after the late Carl. It was perfect. I talked to G, and he was receptive.

Then he suggested that if we wanted a three-letter C name, we should name him Crl. I agreed. So our new black kitty is named Crl Sagan. The pattern stands!

Monday, July 9, 2012

New Cat!

I have a new cat! He does not have a name yet. He is black and about 3 years old. I took some terrible pictures of him.

We finally brought him home today. He will need medicine every day for a URI he caught at the shelter, but he is a good boy. Very chill. Found a cat bed and made himself at home. Bug is less than impressed. I'm sure she'll come around in a few days.

Friday, July 6, 2012

July Begins

And so, it is another month. I did not get nearly so much done in June as I wished, but it's a new month and a new week. This week, too, has been a bit of a bust thanks to the holiday smack in the middle and a slight back injury, but I should be right as rain starting next week.

I'm still enjoying the hell out of photography and doing a lot of wedding planning. We have most of the ceremony knocked out, I've got a plan for the chuppah, and even started ordering things that we are going to need. It's less than two months away, and there's still a lot to do!

Tomorrow I want to start a new project of some sort. Not just research it, but actually sit down and make something. It's been far too long since I actually used my project desk.